Prof. UAM dr hab. Beata Messyasz
![]() | Position: associate professor Email: Room: 2.54 Phone: +48 61 829 5761 Office hours: Tuesday 10:00-12:00 | Research Gate AMU Research Portal |
Research Interests
- My scientific interests are focused on eutrophication, the functioning of phytoplankton, phytobenthos, and periphyton communities occurring in various types of lakes as well as algal blooms. I also investigate the ecology of algae in lakes and rivers in vertical and spatial profiles as well as macroscopic chlorophytes in terms of their taxonomy, ecology, distribution, and biochemical composition.
Current study topics
- structure of the lake and river phytoplankton communities dependently on selected physico-chemical parameters of water
- assessment of phytoplankton distribution in the vertical profile against the background of habitat factors and changes in the population of cyanobacteria and algae in deep, e.g. volcanic lakes
- factors shaping the structure and development of epiphytic
- freshwater macroscopic algae - evaluation of bioindication and functional properties in the context of economic use of their biomass
Research projects
- 2022 - 2026
Grant NCN OPUS 21 2021/41/B/NZ9/02584 Epiphytic diatoms growing on freshwater macroalgae as a source of plant-available silicon (principal investigator)
- 2015 - 2018
Grant NCN OPUS 7 No. 2016/23/B/NZ8/00635 Physico-chemical and biological causes of ecological dominance of filamentous green algae in freshwater ecosystems (co-investigator)
- 2012 - 2016
Grant NCBiR No. PBS 1/A1/2/2012 PBS 1/A1/2/2012 Innovative technology of algae extracts - components of fertilizers, feed and cosmetics (principal investigator)
- 2011 - 2014
Grant NCN No. 2011/01/B/ST/00513 Wpływ wód kopalnianych z odkrywek węgla brunatnego na zmiany jakości i stanu ekologicznego wód oraz chemizmu osadów rzecznych w aspekcie zróżnicowanego czasu oddziaływania (principal investigator)
- 2010 - 2014
Grant MNiSW No. N N305 0427 39 Drobne zbiorniki wodne poddane zróżnicowanej presji antropogenicznej w krajobrazie rolniczym: struktura biocenotyczna jako wskaźnik jakości wód (principal investigator)
- 2010 - 2013
Grant Fundacji Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji No. ERA_IP_13_2010-2013 RESTLAKE – Summer School – Ecological State of the Lake during Restoration Measures (principal investigator)
- 2009 - 2012
Grant MNiSW No. N N304 0134 37 Weryfikacja genetyczna i siedliskowa gatunków z rodzaju Ulva na terenie Polski (principal investigator)
- 2009 - 2012
Grant MNiSW No. N N303 3911 36 Wpływ wód kopalnych i odchodów ptasich na zakwity sinicowe w jeziorze Góreckim na terenie Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego (principal investigator)
- 2006 - 2008
Grant MNiSW No. 2 PO4G 003 30 Wpływ zlewni rzek Wełny i Nielby na zmiany struktury zbiorowisk glonów (principal investigator)
- 2005 - 2007
Grant MNiSW No. 2 PO6S 008 29 Funkcjonowanie zbiorowisk planktonu w zróżnicowanych siedliskowo drobnych zbiornikach wodnych w krajobrazie rolniczym (principal investigator)
- 2001 - 2002
Grant KBN No. 2 PO4F 045 21 Funkcjonowanie i kompozycja zbiorowisk glonów planktonowych w procesie krzyżowania się rzek: Wełny i Nielby (principal investigator)
- 1995 - 1996
Grant KBN No. 6 PO4G 064 09 Zależności między głębokością metalimnionu a tempem pływalności i sedymentacji glonów planktonowych (principal investigator)
Chosen publications
- Schroeder G., Messyasz B., Łeska B. 2016. Identification of biologically active compounds and assessment of commercial properties of algal extracts as cosmetic ingredients. In: Chojnacka K. (ed), Algal extracts in products for human, animals and plants. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., N.Y., USA, ISBN: 978-3-527-33708-8: Chapter 4: 73-99.
- Messyasz B., Pikosz M., Schroeder G., Łęska B., Fabrowska J. (2015) Identification and ecology of macroalgae speciesexistingin Poland. In: Kim Se-Kwon & Chojnacka K. (eds),Marine algae Extracts: Processes, Products, and Applications. Wiley – VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-527-33708-8: 17-39
- Fabrowska J., Łęska B., Schroeder G., Messyasz B., Pikosz M. (2015) Biomass and extracts of algae as material for cosmetic. In: Kim Se-Kwon & Chojnacka K. (eds),Marine algae Extracts: Processes, Products, and Applications. Wiley – VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-527-33708-8: 681-706
- Schroeder G., Łęska B., Fabrowska J., Messyasz B., Pikosz M. (2015) Analysis of green algae extracts. In: Kim Se-Kwon & Chojnacka K. (eds),Marine algae Extracts: Processes, Products, and Applications. Wiley – VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-527-33708-8: 81-99
- Messyasz B., Strugała M., Łęska B., Piotrowicz Z., Treska E., Tabisz Ł., Pankiewicz R. 2024. The impact of polyphenols on the structure of diatom communities inhabiting Cladophora glomerata mats during the vegetation cycle. Ecological Indicators 159: 111703.
- Staniszewski R., Messyasz B., Dąbrowski P., Burdziakowski P., Spychała M. 2024. Recent Issues and Challenges in the Study of Inland Waters. Water 16: 1216.
- Qin M., Fan P., Li Y., Wang H., Wang W., Liu H., Messyasz B., Gołdyn R., Li B. 2023. Assessing the ecosystem health of large drinking-water reservoirs based on the phytoplankton index of biotic integrity (P-IBI): a case study of Danjiangkou Reservoir. Sustainability 15: 5282.
- Krzywonos M., Romanowska-Duda Z., Seruga P., Messyasz B., Mec S. 2023. The use of plants from the Lemnaceae Family for biofuel production — a bibliometric and in-depth content analysis. Energies 16: 2058.
- Nava V., Chandra S., Aherne J., Alfonso M.B., Antão-Geraldes A.M., Attermeyer K., Bao R., Bartrons M., Berger S.A., Biernaczyk M., Bissen R., Brookes J.D., Brown D., Cañedo-Argüelles M., Canle M., Capelli C., Carballeira R., Cereijo J.L., Chawchai S., Christensen S.T., Christoffersen K.S., De Eyto E., Delgado J., Dornan T.N., Doubek J.P., Dusaucy J., Erina O., Ersoy Z., Feuchtmayr H., Frezzotti M.L., Galafassi S., Gateuille D., Gonçalves V., Grossart H.P., Hamilton D.P., Harris T.D., Kangur K., Kankılıç G.B., Kessler R., Kiel C., Krynak E.M., Leiva-Presa À., Lepori F., Matias M.G., Matsuzaki S.S., McElarney Y., Messyasz B., Mitchell M., Mlambo M.C., Motitsoe S.N., Nandini S., Orlandi C., Owens C., Özkundakci D., Pinnow S., Pociecha A., Raposeiro P.M., Rõõm E.I., Rotta F., Salmaso N., Sarma S.S.S., Sartirana D., Scordo F., Sibomana C., Siewert D., Stepanowska K., Tavşanoğlu Ü.N., Tereshina M., Thompson J., Tolotti M., Valois A., Verburg P., Welsh B., Wesolek B., Weyhenmeyer G.A., Wu N., Zawisza E., Zink L., Leoni B. 2023. Plastic debris in lakes and reservoirs. Nature 619: 317-322.
- Piotrowicz Z., Tabisz Ł., Łęska B., Messyasz B., Pankiewicz R. 2022. Comparison of the antioxidant properties of green macroalgae from diverse European water habitats by use of several semi-quantitative assays. Molecules 27: 3812.
- Zhou, S., Wang, K., Messyasz, B., Xu, Y., Gao, M., Li, Y., Wu, N. 2022. Functional and taxonomic beta diversity of butterfly assemblages in an archipelago: relative importance of island characteristics, climate, and spatial factors. Ecological Indicators 142: 109191.
- Gostyńska J., Pankiewicz R., Romanowska-Duda Z., Messyasz, B. 2022. Overview of allelopathic potential of Lemna minor L. obtained from a shallow eutrophic lake. Molecules 27: 3428.
- Yao Y., He K., Li Y., Zhang X., Ma Z., Cui Z., Zheng W., Messyasz B., Chen X. 2022. Research and application of supersaturated dissolved oxygen technology combined with magnetization technology in the improvement of water quality: taking the south-to-north water diversion project of China as a pilot project. Sustainability 14: 2684.
- Nava V., Matias M.G., Castillo-Escrivà A., Messyasz B., Leoni B. 2022. Microalgae colonization of different microplastic polymers in experimental mesocosms across an environmental gradient. Global Change Biology 28: 1402-1413.
- Sun X., Wu N., Hörmann G., Faber C., Messyasz B., Qu Y., Fohrer N. 2022. Using integrated models to analyze and predict the variance of diatom community composition in an agricultural area. Science of the Total Environment 803: 149894.
- Wijewardene L., Wu N., Hörmann G., Messyasz B., Riis T., Hölzel C., Ulrich U., Fohrer N. 2021. Effects of the herbicides metazachlor and flufenacet on phytoplankton communities – a microcosm assay. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 228: 113036.
- Issayeva A.U., Yeshibajev A.A., Leska B.M., Messyasz B., Abubakirova A.A., Tleukeyeva A.Y. 2021. Comparative assessment of geomorphological and landscape features around the small Aral Sea. Journal of Ecological Engineering 22: 73-84.
- Wijewardene L., Wu N., Qu Y., Guo K., Messyasz B., Lorenz S., Riis T., Ulrich U., Fohrer N. 2021. Influences of pesticides, nutrients, and local environmental variables on phytoplankton communities in lentic small water bodies in a German lowland agricultural area. Science of the Total Environment 780: 146481.
- Guć M., Messyasz B., Schroeder G. 2021. Environmental impact of molecularly imprinted polymers used as analyte sorbents in mass spectrometry. Science of the Total Environment 772: 145074.
- Michalak I., Messyasz B. 2021. Concise review of Cladophora spp.: macroalgae of commercial interest. Journal of Applied Phycology 33: 133-166.
- Zhang Y., Gao W., Li Y., Jiang Y., Chen X., Yao Y., Messyasz B., Yin K., He W., Chen Y. 2021. Characteristics of the phytoplankton community structure and water quality evaluation in autumn in the Huaihe River (China). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18: 12092.
- Donis D., Mantzouki E., […], Ibelings B.W. 2021. Stratification strength and light climate explain variation in chlorophyll a at the continental scale in a European multilake survey in a heatwave summer. Limnology and Oceanography 66: 4314-4333 .
- Dondajewska-Pielka R., Gołdyn R., Budzyńska A., Kowalczewska-Madura K., Kozak A., Messyasz B., Podsiadłowski S. 2020. Sustainable approach to lake restoration – an innovative treatment applied in Polish lakes. 5th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
- Piotrowski K., Romanowska-Duda Z., Messyasz B. 2020. Cultivation of energy crops by ecological methods under the conditions of global climate and environmental changes with the use of diatom extract as a natural source of chemical compounds. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 42: 146 .
- Messyasz B., Treska E. 2019. Benthic diatoms as valuable indicators of anthropogenic eutrophication in biomonitoring of Ribbon Lake. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering 26: 709-726.
- Dondajewska R., Kowalczewska-Madura K., Gołdyn R., Kozak A., Messyasz B., Cerbin S. 2019. Long-term water quality changes as a result of a sustainable restoration—a case study of dimictic Lake Durowskie. Water 11: 616.
- Wilk-Woźniak E., Walusiak E., Burchardt L., Cerbin S., […], Żbikowski J. 2019. Effects of the environs of waterbodies on aquatic plants in oxbow lakes (habitat 3150). Ecological Indicators 98: 736-742.
- Budzyńska A., Rosińska J., Pełechata A., Toporowska M., Napiórkowska-Krzebietke A., Kozak A., Messyasz B., Pęczuła W., Kokociński M., Szeląg-Wasielewska E., Grabowska M., Mądrecka B., Niedźwiecki M., Alcaraz Parraga P., Pełechaty M., Karpowicz M., Pawlik-Skowrońska B. 2019. Environmental factors driving the occurence of the invasive cyanobacterium Sphaerospermopsis aphanizomenoides (Nostocales) in temperate lakes. Science of the Total Environment 650: 1338-1347.
- Koreivienė J., Karosienė J., Kasperovičienė J., Paskauskas R., Messyasz B., Łȩska B., Pankiewicz R., Gulbinas Z., Valskys V., Walusiak E., Krztoń W., Kustosz D., Wilk‐Woźniak E. 2019. EU Project of Life Programme “Algae Service for Life” Creates Tools for Ecological Service to Mitigate Cyanobacteria and Macroalgae Blooms in Freshwater Ecosystems. Botanica 25: 176-185.
- Koreivienė J., Karosienė J., Kasperovičienė J., Paskauskas R., Messyasz B., Łȩska B., Pankiewicz R., Gulbinas Z., Valskys V., Walusiak E., Krztoń W., Kustosz D., Wilk‐Woźniak E. 2019. EU project of LIFE programme “Algae Service for LIFE” creates tools for ecological service to mitigate cyanobacteria and macroalgae blooms in freshwater ecosystems. Botanica 25: 65-73.
- Pikosz M., Czerwik-Marcinkowska J., Messyasz B. 2019. The effect of Cladophora glomerata exudates on the amino acid composition of Cladophora fracta and Rhizoclonium sp.. Open Chemistry 17: 313-324.
- Dondajewska R., Gołdyn R., Messyasz B., Kowalczewska-Madura K., Cerbin S. 2019. A shallow lake in an agricultural landscape – water quality, nutrient loads, future management. Limnological Review 19: 25-35.
- Mantzouki E., Campbell J., van Loon E., […], Ibelings B.W. 2018. A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins. Scientific Data 5: 180226.
- Kowalczewska-Madura K., Dondajewska R., Gołdyn R., Kozak A., Messyasz B. 2018. Internal phosphorus loading from the bottom sediments of a dimictic lake during its sustainable restoration. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 229: 280.
- Fabrowska J., Messyasz B., Pankiewicz R., Wilińska P., Łęska B. 2018. Seasonal differences in the content of phenols and pigments in thalli of freshwater Cladophora glomerata and its habitat. Water Research 135: 66-74.
- Mantzouki E., M., Lürling M., Fastner J., […], Ibelings B.W. 2018. Temperature effects explain continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins. Toxins 10: 156.
- Kurczewska J. Cegłowski M., Messyasz B., Schroeder G. 2018. Dendrimer-functionalized halloysite nanotubes for effective drug delivery. Applied Clay Science 153: 134-143.
- Messyasz B., Michalak I., Łęska B., Schroeder G., Górka B., Korzeniowska K., Lipok J., Wieczorek P., Rój E., Wilk R., Dobrzyńska-Inger A., Górecki H., Chojnacka K. 2018. Valuable natural products from marine and freshwater macroalgae obtained from supercritical fluid extracts. Journal of Applied Phycology 30: 591-603.
- Łęska B., Messyasz B., Schroeder G. 2018. Application of algae biomass and algae extracts in cosmetic formulations. Algae Biomass: Characteristics and Applications 8: 89-101.
- Schroeder G., Messyasz B., Łęska B. 2018. Economic aspects of algae biomass harvesting for industrial purposes. The Life-Cycle Assessment of the Product. Algae Biomass: Characteristics and Applications 8: 131-143.
- Messyasz B., Pikosz M., Treska E. 2018. Biology of freshwater macroalgae and their distribution. Algae Biomass: Characteristics and Applications 8: 17-31.
- Fabrowska J., Messyasz B., Szyling J., Walkowiak J., Łęska B. 2018. Isolation of chlorophylls and carotenoids from freshwater algae using different extraction methods. Phycological Research 66: 52-57.
- Pikosz M., Messyasz B., Gąbka M. 2017. Functional structure of algal mat (Cladophora glomerata) in a freshwater in western Poland. Ecological Indicators 74: 1-9.
- Pankiewicz R., Łęska B., Messyasz B., Fabrowska J., Sołoducha M., Pikosz M. 2016. First isolation of polysaccharidic ulvans from the cell walls of freshwater algae. Algal Research – Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts 19: 348-354.
- Michalak I., Górka B., Wieczorek P.P., Rój E., Lipok J., Łęska B., Messyasz B., Wilk R., Schroeder G., Dobrzyńska-Inger A., Chojnacka K. 2016. Supercritical fluid extraction of algae enhances levels of biologically active compounds promoting plant growth. European Journal of Phycology 51: 243-252.
- Pikosz M., Messyasz B. 2016. Characteristics of Cladophora and coexisting filamentous algae in relation to environmental factors in freshwater ecosystems in Poland. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 45: 202-215.
- Łęska B., Schroeder G., Messyasz B., Michalak I., Chojnacka K., Wilk R., Lipok J., Górecki H., Rój E. 2016. Kompozycja kosmetyczna. Patent number: PL 226013 B1.
- Michalak I., Dmytryk A., Wieczorek P., Rój E., Łęska B., Górka B., Messyasz B., Lipok J., Mikulewicz M., Wilk R., Schroeder G., Chojnacka K. 2015. Supercritical algal extracts: a source of biologically active compounds from nature. Journal of Chemistry 2015: 597140.
- Messyasz B., Gąbka M., Barylski J., Nowicki G., Lamentowicz Ł., Goździcka-Józefiak A., Rybak A., Dondajewska R., Burchardt L. 2015. Phytoplankton, culturable bacteria and their relationships along environmental gradients in a stratified eutrophic lake. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 10: 41-52.
- Pikosz M., Messyasz B. 2015. Composition and seasonal changes in filamentous algae in floating mats. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 44: 273-281.
- Messyasz B., Łęska B., Fabrowska J., Pikosz M., Roj E., Cieślak A., Schroeder G. 2015. Biomass of freshwater Cladophora as a raw material for agriculture and the cosmetic industry. Open Chemistry 13: 1108-1118.
- Messyasz B., Łęska B., Pikosz M., Fabrowska J., Cieślak A., Schroeder G. 2015. Effects of organic compounds on the macroalgae culture of freshwater Aegagropila linnaei. Open Chemistry 13: 1040-1044.
- Messyasz B., Staniszewski R., Jusik Sz. 2014. Algae assemblages and dominant macrophytes in small lawland rivers of Poland in relation to water quality and hydromorphology. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 23: 581-588.
- Messyasz B., Czerwik-Marcinkowska J., Massalski A., Uher B., Rybak A., Szendzina L., Pikosz M. 2013. Morphological and ultrastructural studies on Ulva flexuosa subsp. pilifera (Chlorophyta) from Poland. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 82: 157-163.
- Kobos, Błaszczyk A., Hohlfeld N., Toruńska A., Krakowiak A., Hebel A., Sutryk K., Grabowska M., Toporowska M., Kokociński M., Messyasz B., Rybak A., Napiórkowska-Krzebietke A., Nawrocka L., Pełechata A., Budzyńska A., Zagajewski P., Mazur-Marzec H. 2013. Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in Polish freshwater bodies. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 42: 358–378.
- Rybak A., Messyasz B., Łęska B. 2012. Freshwater Ulva (Chlorophyta) as a bioaccumulator of selected heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) and alkaline earth metals (Ca and Mg). Chemosphere 89: 1066-1076.
- Messyasz B., Rybak A. 2011. Abiotic factors affecting the development of Ulva sp. (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) in freshwater ecosystems. Aquatic Ecology 45: 75-87.
Career History
- 2016 – to date
Associate professor in the Department of Hydrobiology, AMU
- 2000 – 2016
Assistant professor in the Department of Hydrobiology, AMU
- 2000 – 2016
Assistant professor in the Department of Hydrobiology, AMU
- 1992 – 1999
PhD Student in the Department of Hydrobiology, AMU (PhD thesis: Relationship between phytoplankton and physico-chemical elements in six lakes of Struga Gołaniecka, supervisor: Professor Lubomira Burchardt)
- 1991 – 1992
Biologist in the Department of Hydrobiology, AMU
- 1986 – 1991
Study of Biology at AMU, Faculty of Biology, specialization: environmental biology, supervisor: Professor Lubomira Burchardt, MSc thesis: Phytoplankton of north-west part of Lednica Lake in the years of 1988/1989
Research Internships
- 2008 - 2015
Research Center in Juelich and Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany
- 2008 - 2010
NaturBornholm, Bornholm, Denmark
- 2002/2003/2004/2006
Research Center Juelich, Institute für Chemie und Dynamik der Geosphaere, ICG V, Juelich, Germany
- 2005
Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 1996
Johan Bela National Institute of Public Health, Budapeszt, Hungary
- 1992 - 1996
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, USA
Lectures (and classes/seminars)
- Influence of environmental stress on the functioning of aquatic ecosystems AMU-PIE (Coordinator and Lecturer)
- Biology and Ecology of Bioindicators AMU-PIE – w języku polskim (Coordinator and Lecturer)
- Ecosystem evaluation – bioindicators (Coordinator and Lecturer)
- Toxic effects of plant and animal substances (Coordinator and Lecturer)
- Toxicity of selected elements and compounds (Lecturer)
- Ecological state of the lake during restoration measures. (Coordinator and Lecturer)
Teaching – Bachelor and Master theses
- Topics for students of biology and environmental protection related to environmental protection and hydrobiology (phytoplankton, periphyton, assessment of trophy in lakes/ponds/rivers, seasonal changes in algal communities, taxonomy and ecology of chlorophytes, ecological interactions between aquatic microorganisms).
PhD thesis and supervision
- Topics related to the interactions between filamentous chlorophytes, diversity and ecological effects of chlorophyte mats on the development and structure of phytobenthos.
Research Internships (supervision)
- 09.2016-28.02.2017 - MSc. Sun Xiuming – Christian Albrechts University, Kiel (Germany)
- 02-05.03.2015 - MSc. Qu Yueming & (MSc. Sun Xiuming and PhD student) – Christian Albrechts University, Kiel (Germany)
Administrative Posts and External Activities
- Dean of the Faculty of Biology, AMU
- General Secretary of the Polish Phycological Society